When filing a support ticket for the LootTheWorld app, please include your Support ID, located within the app. To find this ID, go to the Settings view (right button on the navigation tabs across the bottom of the screen) and long-press on the button that reads either "Sign in to Shift" or "Sign out of Shift" (depending on their current signed-in state.) Doing so will toggle the user's support ID on screen. It will stay on screen until the user switches away from that view, or until they long-press on the same button again.*
When filing a support ticket for the LootTheWorld app, please select "Borderlands 2" from the "Game" drop down box, and "LootTheWorld" from the "Game Issue" drop down box.
The "Platform" box is for whatever platform (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, or PC) you primarily use to play Borderlands 2.
*Note: This functionality is currently only available on devices running Android. It will be added to the iOS version in a future update.