At Gearbox, we value our community and strive to protect the information provided to us by our fans.
Recently, a security issue known as Heartbleed was discovered. This issue impacted Amazon Web Services, the service that powers Gearbox’s SHiFT system. Gearbox has taken steps to correct systems exposed to the issue by patching affected software and rotating potentially compromised SSL certificates.
As a result of Heartbleed, many of our fans have already changed their passwords. If you have not already done so, please continue reading.
While it doesn’t appear that any user passwords were compromised, we nonetheless recommend that all community members reset their SHiFT account passwords as a precautionary measure. You can do so by visiting or
You can find more information about Heartbleed and how it affects Amazon Web Services on Amazon on this page. If you have any trouble resetting your password, please visit
Thanks for helping us protect the information of our community. Keep an eye on our Forums and the rest of the Gearbox community as we prepare for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel later this year.
SHiFT Security Notice
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