
Daily Raid Boss lockout may not reset

We are aware of a possible issue where the daily lockout for Hyperius the Invincible, Master Gee the Invincible, and Pyro Pete the Invincible may not properly reset.

While we continue to investigate a more permanent solution, the daily lockout for Hyperius the Invincible, Master Gee the Invincible, and Pyro Pete the Invincible has been temporarily disabled through a server-side tweak that is applied whenever Borderlands 2 connects to the internet during boot-up. If you were in-game before this rolled out, please note that you will need to exit the game entirely and restart to receive it.

For users who play offline, we suggest temporarily setting the system clock to January 2013 to avoid any lockout issues while we continue to work on a more permanent solution.

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