
How to Install Ultra HD Pack on PC

Hello, everyone!

With the launch of the new Ultra HD Texture Pack for The Handsome Collection, Borderlands 2, and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, we understand you might need some guidance on how to install it on your PC titles. 

First things first: The texture pack is free downloadable content that you should be able to see on the Steam store page. On Steam, the content is available for Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel separately.

Here's how to access this DLC:

  1. Select the Borderlands title you'd like to install the pack to. 
  2. Go to its store page within the app. 
  3. Scroll down to the "Content" section. 
  4. You'll see the associated Ultra HD Texture Pack at the top of this list
  5. Click on the texture pack. This will take you to a Steam Store page for this specific content. 
  6. Download/install the software. 
  7. Fire up your game and start taking in the newly-upgraded sights on Pandora. 
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